My Work



Article (Author): CDW Research Hub- The Use of Single Sign On in Interoperability


Featured Speaker: Zoom Academy- Reimagine the Education Community of Tomorrow

Podcast Guest: Open Ticket- The Future of Learning

Article Feature: EdTech Magazine – Communication Keeps Families Engaged


Presenter: ISTE- Preparing for Tomorrow by Leading Today

Article Feature: K-12 Dive- Credentialing Builds Teacher Leadership Opportunities

Author (Article): Edutopia- How to Maximize the Value of EdTech Certifications

Author (Article): Tech&Learning- CTE Leaders Adapting Through Unprecedented Changes 

Author (Blog Post): Learning As I Go- 4 Ways to Reflect on Educational Content 

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Blended Learning Journey (with Dr. Lakisha Brinson)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Instructional Coaching Journey (with Victoria Thompson)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Support Systems in Education (with Marlo Gaddis)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- EdTech and World Languages (with Rachelle Dene Poth)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Security and Standardization (with Dr. Emily Bell)


Author (Article): Teach Better- Evaluating EdTech, Content, and Other Classroom Tools

Author (Article): EdTech Magazine- Post-Pandemic Classrooms: What Will They Look Like?

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Creating Experiences, not Checklists (with Dr. Neil Gupta)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Representation in the Media in Education (with Dr. Valerie Adams-Bass)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Disruptive Learning in our Classrooms (with Eric Sheninger)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Collaboration in Education (with Lainie Rowell and Brianna Hodges)


Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- 1-on-1 with Dr. Chris Emdin

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Returning to School Amid a Pandemic (with Dr. Tracey Miller)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Sustainable Development Goals (with Dr. Jen Williams)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Interoperability or Why EdTech Stuff Should Just Work (with Susan Bearden, CETL)


Author (Article): EdTech Magazine- 3 Ways to Set Students Up for Success in the Digital Age (w/ Wendy Jones)

Presenter: CoSN- EdTech Hurdle #1 Digital Equity: Innovative Programs Bridging the Gap

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Digital Equity (with Ken Shelton)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Teaching and Podcasting (with Pav Wander)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Level Up Your Professional Development (with Michelle Moore)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Entrepreneurship in Education (with Rabbi Michael Cohen)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Family and Community Connection (with Mariel Milano)


Presenter: IDEAcon- EDU/X for Educator

Presenter: TCEA- Blended, Virtual, Hybrid, Oh My

Presenter: TCEA- Preparing for Tomorrow by Leading Today

Presenter: TCEA- Power Hour: 60 Apps in 60 Minutes

Webinar: Microsoft eXplore in EDU- Education Reimagined: The Future of Learning

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Sharing Your Voice (with Dr. Sarah Thomas)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Creating a Black Teacher Pipeline (with Sharif El-Mekki)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Student Relationships, a Lever for Change (with Jess Boyce)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Big Districts and Big Ideas (with Phillip Dunn)


Author (Article): eSchool News- 5 Tips to Balance Screen Time During Virtual Learning

Article Feature: District Administration- 9 Best Practices for Adapting Ed Leadership in Virtual Learning

Article Feature: EdTech Magazine- FETC 2021: Finding Ways to Lead Amid the Pandemic

Panelist: Remind Assembly Series- A Career Transition into EdTech

Podcast Guest: Sons of Technology- What is Hybrid Learning?

Presenter: FETC- How to Adapt Educational Leadership in the Age of Virtual Learning

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Risk-Taking in Education (with Claudio Zavala Jr)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Fear in Education (with Trevor Ragan)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Representation in a Pixelated World (with Felisa Ford)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Design Thinking In Education (with Dee Lanier)



Article Feature: EdTech Magazine- ISTE20 Live: How to Change the Conversation About Screen Time and Ed Tech

Presenter: ISTE- EDU/X for Educators: The Education Experience

Presenter: ISTE- Don’t Vilify the Device- Quality Content over Screen Time

Presenter: ISTE- How to Adapt Ed Leadership in the Age of Virtual Learning

Presenter: ISTE- Cognitive Yoga: How Flexible Space Design Impacts Learning

Presenter: ISTE- Building a Makerspace? Ask Yourself These Questions

Presenter: ISTE- The Power of Partnerships: Starting and Supporting K-12 Esports

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Building Community in Virtual Spaces (with CC Chung)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Building Capacity with a Small Team (with Sarah Kyriazis)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Keeping the Scholastic in Scholastic Esports (with Laylah Bulman)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Personal and Authentic Education (with Tom Murray)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Storytelling and Personal Branding (with Tanya Avrith)


Author (Article): EdTech Magazine- How to Adapt Ed Leadership in the Age of Virtual Learning

Presenter: GaETC- 12 Keys to Leading Through Hybrid and Remote Learning

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Connected Educators (with Greg Bagby)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Keep Calm and EdTech On (with Dr. Adam Phyall)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- Science before You STEM (with Chanel Johnson)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- ADAPT with Creativity (with Mike Cicchetti)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- College and Careers? (with Jaime Casap)

Podcast Host: Focus on K-12- The Science of Reading (with Dr. Ebony Lee)


Podcast Guest: Sons of Technology- The Talents and Passions of Educators


Author (Article): EdTech Magazine- What Schools Need to Know about Voice Assistants (with Julie Daniel Davis)

Author (Article): EdTech Magazine- How to Foster Creativity No Matter Where Learning Takes Place (with Mike Cicchetti)

Webinar: Teq- STEM Solutions for Hybrid Learning


Author (Article): EdTech Magazine- Empowering Teaching and Learning with Interoperability (with Tim Clark)

Author (Article): EdTech Magazine- How are Schools Reopening in the Fall?


Featured Speaker: North American Scholastic Esports Federation- Design Jam Interview

Presenter: Santa Cruz CA Distance Learning Leadership Summit- Considerations for Hybrid Learning


Author (Article): EdTech Magazine- How K-12 IT Leaders Can Support Digital Equity


Author (Article): EdTech Magazine- The Value of Professional Certifications for Secondary Education Students


Article Feature: K-12 Dive- FETC 2020: Better PD Through Design Thinking

Presenter: FETC- Design Thinking + Intentional Planning = Engaged PD

Presenter: FETC- Cognitive Yoga: How Flexible Space Design Impacts Learning



Author (Article): CDW ResearchHub- Make Connected School Buses Part of Your Digital Transformation Strategy


Panelist: FADIMA (FL Assoc’n of District Instructional Materials Admins)- The Future of Instructional Materials


Article Feature: District Administration- When Screen Time is Actually OK– or Not


Presenter: SETDA- Focus Group: The Modern Learning Environment


Award: ISTE- Making IT Happen Award

Presenter: ISTE- Ignite Talks: Don’t Vilify the Device- Quality Content over Screen Time

Presenter: ISTE- Google Teaching Theater- Design Thinking, Lesson Planning, and PD

Guide: ISTE- Google Anywhere School

Podcast Guest: Planning Period Podcast- ISTE Ignite and Screen Time


Contributor: Google for Education- Applied Digital Skills Lesson Creation and Alignment


Author (Article): District Administration- How to Navigate Conversations about Screen Time in a Changing World



Presenter: FADIMA (FL Assoc’n of District Instructional Materials Admins)- Instructional Materials Objection Process


Presenter: FAEDS (FL Assoc’n of Educational Data Systems)- Digital Skills for Littles (Teaching Digital Skills in K-5)


Contributor: CPALMS (Florida State University)- Published text complexity and model-eliciting activity curriculum


Contributor: Google for Education- Applied Digital Skills Lesson Creation and Alignment



Award: FADIMA (Florida Association of Instructional Materials Administrators) – Outstanding Leadership Award


Presenter: FAEDS (FL Assoc’n of Educational Data Systems)- 1 District’s Rule #1 for Year 1 of 1:1

Presenter: FAEDS (FL Assoc’n of Educational Data Systems)- 22 G14 Classified and Redacted Google Tips & Tricks


Contributor: CPALMS (Florida State University)- Published text complexity and model-eliciting activity curriculum


Contributor: Google for Education- Applied Digital Skills Lesson Creation and Alignment


Presenter: Orlando Learning Summit- Our First Year of Google Apps


Article Feature: Google- How Three Districts Help Their Teachers Learn and Grow Throughout the School Year



Presenter: FAEDS (FL Assoc’n of Educational Data Systems)- Our First Year of Google Apps

Presenter: FAEDS (FL Assoc’n of Educational Data Systems)- Changing the FACE of PD in MCSD


Author (Article): BYOT Network- Collaboration for Personalized Learning (with Dr. Tim Clark)


Contributor: CPALMS (Florida State University)- Published text complexity and model-eliciting activity curriculum


Presenter: FETC- Connecting Florida Educators to the World – #FLEdChat

Presenter: FETC- Online Product Ratings and Reviews Bring Transparency to Education



Presenter: Texas K-12 CTO Clinic- Transparency in Educational Technology Products